DS3231 RTC MODULE Features
- RTC counts seconds, minutes, hours and year
- Accuracy: +2ppm to -2ppm for 0ºC to +40ºC , +3.5ppm to -3.5ppm for -40ºC to +85ºC
- Digital temperature sensor with ±3ºC accuracy
- Two Time-of-day alarms
- Programmable square wave output
- Register for Aging trim
- 400Khz I2C interface
- Low power consumption
- Automatic power failure battery switch circuitry
- CR2032 battery backup with two to three year life
- Potable size
DS3231 RTC MODULE Specifications
- Operating voltage of DS3231 MODULE: 2.3V – 5.5V
- Can operate on LOW voltages
- Consumes 500nA on battery backup
- Maximum voltage at SDA , SCL : VCC + 0.3V
- Operating temperature: -45ºC to +80ºC
DS3231 Equivalents
DS1302, DS1307, etc
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