Its power supply range is 2, 3, 5.5V.
The output is high VOH which is 0.8VCC.
0.3 VCC voltages are Low Output.
Its response time is 60ms.
Its output pin sinks current is 8mA.
Its output pin pull-up current is 3V and 4mA.
Its low power mode response time is 220mS.
Its size is 24 x 24 x 7.2 mm
This touch sensing module is IC TTP223B. It has a capacitive touch switch module. When this sensor is in a normal state, the module output is low and it has low power consumption. The module output high when the finger touch sensor is the corresponding position. And the switch is low power mode. Its initial state is low and it has a high touch. Please don’t touch it is low. This module can be installed in such as surface plastic. It can be installed on the glass or non-metallic materials. It should be placed as the correct location of the touch
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